These cute puppy was found accidentally from the bags of dog food and then adopted by his rescuer

This interesting and extraordinary occurrence happened on November 1st while Nicole Oslen and Ella Harper’s kid were driving To Australia.

Soon they heard some noises coming from the trash stop and started their investigation.

Nicole raised the lid of the container and soon noticed two 40-pound bags of dog food put on each other.

There was a coat hanger wire wrapped around the zip locks to stamp the sickly dogs inside.

These sweet pups were all malnourished and had health issues.

Nicole contacted his family members and asked for assistance in in rescuing the pups.

It was obvious that the person who did that didn’t have good intentions!

When they returned home they contacted RSPCA of South Australia and the pups were soon moved to the vet clinic.

One of the sickest pups died on the way home, however the remaining six pups’ life was able to save.

The Daily Mil reports that they didn’t have an idea who could have been so cruel to the animals!

It is a real example of animal cruelty! Only an inhumane being could have left the pups in such a band condition.

The volunteers, however, did their best and could bring to health all the remaining six pups !

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