The 40-year-old racehorse retiree and 58-year-old man are so excited to have each other in their lives

Very often, people say that dogs are the best friends of people.

In our case, Donnie McAdams takes the horse as his most devoted companion.

Once a purebred racehorse, Waco Hanover spends his free time with his best friend Donnie.

Donnie can’t wait to come back from work in order to communicate with his lovely horse.

The horse lives in an apartment above the stables.

They both are considered to be roommates.

” The horse helped me to carry a five-gallon bucket of water because it’s too hard to do for me”.

In 2008 when the horse and Donnie met each other for the first time, the horse didn’t seem to want to eat anything.

” All we wanted to do is dig a hole for him as we weren’t sure he would survive the winter”.

Now they both enjoy spending time together.

Waco now celebrated its 40th birthday in 2017 that’s 120 human years.

Unfortunately, our beloved animals do not stay by our side for a long time.

This loyal dog passed away in 2019 when he was 42 years old.

Rest in peace, dear Waco. The animals are so cute and sweet, and they have this unique ability to change our lives to the better.

Donnie and Waco both are so blessed to meet each other !

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